Couleur dans la console linux en PHP

Voici une classe qui permet de mettre de la couleur sur du texte en console.

la classe :

class Colors {

 private $foreground_colors = array();
 private $background_colors = array();

 public function __construct() {
 // Set up shell colors
 $this->foreground_colors['black'] = '0;30';
 $this->foreground_colors['dark_gray'] = '1;30';
 $this->foreground_colors['blue'] = '0;34';
 $this->foreground_colors['light_blue'] = '1;34';
 $this->foreground_colors['green'] = '0;32';
 $this->foreground_colors['light_green'] = '1;32';
 $this->foreground_colors['cyan'] = '0;36';
 $this->foreground_colors['light_cyan'] = '1;36';
 $this->foreground_colors['red'] = '0;31';
 $this->foreground_colors['light_red'] = '1;31';
 $this->foreground_colors['purple'] = '0;35';
 $this->foreground_colors['light_purple'] = '1;35';
 $this->foreground_colors['brown'] = '0;33';
 $this->foreground_colors['yellow'] = '1;33';
 $this->foreground_colors['light_gray'] = '0;37';
 $this->foreground_colors['white'] = '1;37';

 $this->background_colors['black'] = '40';
 $this->background_colors['red'] = '41';
 $this->background_colors['green'] = '42';
 $this->background_colors['yellow'] = '43';
 $this->background_colors['blue'] = '44';
 $this->background_colors['magenta'] = '45';
 $this->background_colors['cyan'] = '46';
 $this->background_colors['light_gray'] = '47';

 // Returns colored string
 public function getColoredString($string, $foreground_color = null, $background_color = null) {
 $colored_string = "";

 // Check if given foreground color found
 if (isset($this->foreground_colors[$foreground_color])) {
 $colored_string .= "33[" . $this->foreground_colors[$foreground_color] . "m";
 // Check if given background color found
 if (isset($this->background_colors[$background_color])) {
 $colored_string .= "33[" . $this->background_colors[$background_color] . "m";

 // Add string and end coloring
 $colored_string .= $string . "33[0m";

 return $colored_string;

 // Returns all foreground color names
 public function getForegroundColors() {
 return array_keys($this->foreground_colors);

 // Returns all background color names
 public function getBackgroundColors() {
 return array_keys($this->background_colors);




// Create new Colors class
 $colors = new Colors();
// Test some basic printing with Colors class
 echo $colors->getColoredString("Couleur du texte \"purple\" avec un fond \"yellow\"", "purple", "yellow") ;

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